Wilkes University and Luzerne County Medical Society Encourage Expired Medication Disposal During Take Back Day

Wilkes-Barre, PA (10/11/2018) — Wilkes University and the Luzerne County Medical Society, in partnership with the Luzerne County District Attorney and Sheriff offices, are hosting a local event on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Area residents are encouraged to safely dispose of unused or expired medications from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Luzerne County Courthouse, 200 N. River St., Wilkes-Barre.

Community members can 'drive-up' to drug take-back boxes at the courthouse and turn in expired or unused medications safely and conveniently. Participants will enter via River St. and exit via Pierce St. Giveaways and discounts will be offered.

According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, medicines in the home are a leading cause of accidental poisoning and flushed or trashed medicines can end up polluting waters. Rates of prescription drug abuse are alarmingly high with over half of teens abusing medicines they get from a family member, friend, or the home medicine cabinet.

To prepare items for disposal:

All pharmaceutical drugs to be disposed must be placed in a sealed container such as the original bottle or zip-lock bag.

Liquid pharmaceuticals should remain in the original container.

Personal information should be removed or marked out with a permanent marker.

What you can dispose:

Prescription and over-the-counter solid medications

Tablets and capsules

Pet medication

What you may not drop off:

Intravenous solutions

Injectables, syringes, and needles (i.e. EpiPens); these need to be taken to a health-care professional's office or to a hospital for disposal

Hydrogen peroxide

Compressed cylinders or aerosols (e.g., asthma inhalers)

Iodine-containing medications


Alcohol & illicit drugs

About Wilkes University

Wilkes University is an independent institution of higher education dedicated to academic and intellectual excellence through mentoring in the liberal arts, sciences and professional programs. Founded in 1933, the university is on a mission to create one of the great small universities, offering all of the programs, activities and opportunities of a large, research university in the intimate, caring and mentoring environment of a small, liberal arts college, at a cost that is increasingly competitive with public universities. The Economist named Wilkes 25th in the nation for the value of its education for graduates. In addition to 47 majors, Wilkes offers 25 master's degree programs and five doctoral/terminal degree programs, including the doctor of philosophy in nursing, doctor of nursing practice, doctor of education, doctor of pharmacy, and master of fine arts in creative writing. Learn more at www.wilkes.edu.

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